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UC|CSU Collaborative for Neuroscience, Diversity, and Learning

A commitment to creating an educational environment that values every aspect of a child's development


Who We Are

We are a Collaborative of scholars and educators from across the UC and CSU systems committed to uplifting teaching, learning and student outcomes through informed policy, practice and educator preparation. 


By leveraging the wealth of expertise across the UC/CSU system and beyond, the UC|CSU Collaborative for Neuroscience, Diversity, and Learning focuses on sharing and cultivating evidence-based and inclusive teaching practices to reshape how students of all ages in California are taught. 


The UC|CSU Collaborative is a pioneering, state-funded initiative that sparks innovation in teaching and learning by bringing expertise from the University of California and the California State University side-by-side with educators, students, families, and everyone invested in reimagining educational experiences for all young people.

An Investment in California's Future

The UC|CSU Collaborative was established in 2019 following Assembly Bill (AB) 1703, which granted $6 million in funding to develop evidence-based teaching practices for students with dyslexia. Recognizing the opportunity to address the needs of the whole child and drive transformative innovation, the state allocated an additional $10 million. With this additional funding, we can expand our reach to achieve an even greater impact.


Together, our power to improve student experiences is unparalleled.


Leading educators

California State University prepares about half of all of California's teachers and 4% of the teachers in the country.

Top researchers

The University of California is the world's leading public research university system.

Cutting-edge scholarship

Both the UCs and CSUs are conducting groundbreaking research in neurodiversity, student learning, and educator preparation.

The UCLA School of Education and Information Studies serves as the fiscal agent for the Collaborative, which is housed at UCLA.


Our Programs

Our focus is on leveraging the wealth of expertise across the UC/CSU system and beyond to bring the latest research and advances in practice to elevate engagement and learning for all students in California.

Smiling Teacher

We are working to support aspiring and current educators in their efforts to support student development and create inclusive learning experiences.

Empty Classroom

We strive to create a more diverse and inclusive learning environment by promoting equity and access for all students.

Teacher Assisting a Student

Learn about the work of the inaugural cohort of Student Ambassadors for the 2023-2024 school year.

Teacher and Student

We are committed to promoting engagement in the learning process through innovative teaching practices and student-centered approaches.

Improving Literacy

The UC/CSU California Collaborative first began with the goal of dramatically improving literacy for all children, particularly those with reading challenges, such as dyslexia. This work comprises one aspect of the larger mission of the UC|CSU Collaborative.

Collaborative Approach

Supporting Diverse Learners

Research clearly shows that differences in how students learn are the norm, rather than the exception. Our team of child development, education, policy, and neuroscience experts from the University of California and from California State University collaborate with local school agencies and organizations across the state to create a resource hub for educators, parents, and students.


Our work goes beyond supporting educators. We actively engage with policymakers and decision-makers, sharing our research-based knowledge and insights to shape policies that support diverse and effective learning environments. We collaborate with initiatives across California, including the University of California San Francisco’s Multitudes Project, and the California Institute for Law, Neuroscience, and Education.


Everyone who interacts with students — including teachers, administrators, parents, and school staff — plays an important role in shaping student growth and development.


Together, we work to transform educational systems through informed policy, practice, and preparation programs that create conditions for every young person to thrive in school and life.



We are proud to collaborate with organizations and institutions committed to improving the educational experience for all students in California.

Get Involved

We welcome partnerships and collaborations with organizations and institutions committed to improving the educational experience for all students in California.

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